By L.A. Batchelor
NC- With the start of the NFL season and the countdown to the Presidential election, most people do not realize the two world's collided on Thursday, September 4th, 2008 when the Republican National Committee and there nominee to be John McCain, ask Commissioner Roger Goodell and the National Football League to change the start of the first game of the 2008 season between the Washington Redskins and the defending Super Bowl Champion New York Giants from 9pm to 7pm to almost ensure most Americans if not the world watch John McCain acceptance speech at what some would deem a "decent hour". Roger Goodell being the good American he is happily obliged the RNC and the game ended at a good time allowing McCain to speak to most before they called it a night.
Here is my question: Would Commissioner Goodell had extended the same courtesy if Barack Obama and the DNC were in the same predicament? I don't think so.
Look at the NFL. It quickly got the reputation as the "NO FUN LEAGUE" and the premise is behind lot's of great and talented black players that are not afraid to express their excitement, joy and passion after scoring a big touchdown, making a big interception or winning a big game yet time and time again, the "NO FUN LEAGUE" discourages celebrations, embracing and even dancing when it comes to the players.
Why? Because some players like to show there enthusiasm for success and give some excitement to the crowd especially if they are the home team? What's wrong with that? Of course that's another question and topic for another day.
The issue is Roger Goodell and the NFL accommodating one political party "under the rug". There accommodation leaks of bias, political slant and republican leverage. The one question I have is was this fair and warranted? I don't think so.
What was the urgency to accommodate McCain and his party? Was a President assassinated like John F. Kennedy where the league should have cancelled games? Or when Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was killed yet life went on? Or even when his own party President Ronald Regan was shot, did they cancel games then? No is the answer in every case which further confirms Goodell and the owners position on this VERY IMPORTANT PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION.
Commissioner Goodell should be a little less obvious about his alliances next time especially when it comes to politics. The only reason why this is not a top story/issue is because most of the media probably agrees with his decision. I am not surprised.
You call Roger Goodell biased over accommodating the RNC by claiming he wouldn't have done the same for the DNC just because Barack Obama is half black? If the DNC had a time conflict with a game and the NFL was asked to accommodate them, I'm sure they would have. Where is your proof or any supporting evidence that this would have occurred?
You are a stupid racist @$$hole. It just goes to show you that a man can get an advanced degree but still be a moron. As you might say, "all in the Kool Aid, don't know the flavor." Where did you get your degree, Dr. Nick's Upstairs Night School?
The fact you leave such idiotic comments without you leaving your name shows you are not worth a healthy debate or discussion.
Thanks for wasting everyone's time!
P.S.- How do you know Goodell would have accomodated the DNC if they were face with the same situation? You don't! It's hard to call me a racist when I am one of the oppressed and it's easy to figure out you are one of the oppressers. Racist people always point the finger the other way and racist people always pretend there is nothing wrong or nothing goin on. Racist people always speak in anger when attempting to make a point.
You are all of these things. You are a racist!
P.S.-You can't believe too much in what you wrote considering you did unless you are a coward considering you begin your comments with "ANONYMOUS". I choose to believe you are a coward.
Take care and thanks for reading the blog!
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