By L.A. Batchelor
NC-I am so sick and tired of the media bashing Manny Ramirez! First it was the Redsox and the media, then the Redsox players and fans, now Tim McCarver. Did McCarver not learn from ripping Deon Sanders back in the day when he called him selfish for playing in the NFL and MLB and got a champagne shower when Deon finally had to see this judgmental coward? Where does he get the audacity to criticize Manny Ramirez for the last two months in Boston and accuse him of dogging it and faking injuries. Was he in the clubhouse with Manny? Is he Manny's trainer? Was he in discussions and conversations between Manny, the other players and management? The answer is a resounding HELL NO! Instead, McCarver arrived at his opinion the same way everyone else outside the team: through Redsox talking points and propaganda. I heard McCarver say "we as reporters have to report the facts". Since when did McCarver become a reporter? Baseball analyst, barely, reporter, NEVER!What do you want mainstream media? When we come across as angry, we are too militant, when we are happy-go-lucky, we are considered lazy. You can't have it both ways but in your eye racist main stream media, I guess you think you should.
McCarver needs to shut up and stick to analyzing the NLCS and shut up. By the way, McCarver may wanna bring an umbrella when he goes in the locker room when the series is over because the Dodgers will win and Manny may want to shower him with champagne like Deon did.
1 comment:
It's the old: "Damned if you do, Damned if you don't" rule for professional Black and Brown athletes.
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