Atlanta Falcons star Michael Vick left his jailhouse home and got a new one. Vick was recently transferred to a Kansas prison to serve out the rest of his 23-month prison sentence on a federal dogfighting charge.
The camp is in Leavenworth, Kansas, said Traci Billingsley, a spokesman for the Federal Bureau of Prisons.
Yahoo! Sports stated that Vick is attempting to enter a drug treatment facility at Leavenworth. If he successfully completes the program, he will be eligible for parole in 12 months.
Vick was convicted on federal dogfighting charges after he and 3 co-defendants were found to have raised pit bulls with the intent of dog fighting. The dogs were found on Vick's property in Virginia and Vick was connected with the events that took place on the property.
Soooooo.....Mike Vick is eligible for a drug program that can get him out in 12 months...and the only way he qualified for the program was to fail a drug test while he was under supervised release.......yeah....ok....and his sentence had to be at least 2 years....ok.......and if he had only gotten 12 months to begin with, he'd just have to go to a regular minimum security prison, and he wouldn't be in the more relaxed, friendlier environment he'll be in now.....exercising everyday and clearing his head.
Billy Martin...that's a bad mofo!
Vick should stay in prison for a long time. He's a nobody. Only an animal would kill dogs for no reason.
michael vick is the most elite athelete i know leave him be.
White people(usually those with money and power)like animals more than they like human beings. They love whales and dogs while they work overtime to make people of color extinct. I once owned a dog, he got sick and I spent a lot of money to get him well so I am no dog hater but...sending a man to prison for dog fighting with all of the injustices that occur in this country is stupid.
He deserves the chance to redeem himself. I hope they let him out.
F*ck Mike Vick...All you people care about is free Mike Vick, he's and elite athlete. He's a piece of garbabge. Just picture if he tortured and killed one of your own dogs....How would you take it?? Would you be saying Free Mike Vick still. Doubt it. He took his status as and Elite player in the NFL and thought he was untouchable.
Well Mike say hello to Bubba. As for all you fans who want him free......You should go jump off a bridge and kill yourself...If its that easy to forget that he tortured and hung dogs...Then you people are garbage just like Vick!! Get a LIFE people!!!!
Michael Vick is not as bad as these assholes who go out and hunt!
Michael Vick is not a bad person. He's no worse than that drug addict Bret Favre.
Uhh..sorry kprobegt25! Sucks to be you but Vick isn't in prison....he's in rehab CAMP. He's in a dorm! He's where your white-collar thugs go when they rip off the 401ks and savings from their employees and customers. Mike Vick will be home in November, in better shape than when he played with the Falcons. Billy Martin just worked the system the same way its worked for the likes of Michael Milken. Luv it!
Yea he worked the system all right...And yet..he was shown to eveyone in the world what kind of person he is....and what heritage (Thugs) he comes from.. ->white collar is nice and proud, and dont torture animals to make friends with peopole who turned on him.. So yes, Go Michael Vick, and give all them Millions Back..What a guy Im so proud to preach about, you must be to Miranda..ROFLMAO hahaha..Yes get in shape, and lets hope Goodman lets him back..oh wait...he lied to him to...The NFL commisioner..Yes..yes..Yes..I wonder if and when he gets let back in, if he would even be lucky to get a base salary like the Kickers do..lmao hahaha What a douche M. Vick is...and people like you who love him, should be sitting right next to him...How you could forget how he tortured all thoughs innocent animals..Maybe if it was your dog he hung, strangled, drowned...Maybe you would go pro White Collar!!!!!!!!
LMAO at the haters who are so mad that Billy Martin worked the very system they created!! LOL. Vick will be back...his $600 an hour attorney has that plan on lock!
i am a huge fan of mike vick and he is not the only one that does dogfighting leave him alone i wish i could write him i stand behind him 100 percent
Vick is just like the rest of us. He just made the wrong choice. He is human just like eveyone else that makes and does bad things. He is nodifferent than Ray Lewis or any other Atlehete.He is sorry for what he did so leave him alone. Let him do his time and then let him out to play football like he can. He is a great football player and always will be.I'm sure everyone can find someone else to talk about instead of him.
Michael Vick should be hung & tourtured just like he did to those poor innocent animals. Calling him an animal is a compliment. I want him poor and forgotten
I couldnt agree more with the person above me!!!!!!!!!!!Screw Vick....He sucks anyway..hahahaha all you Mike Vick Fans....
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