With the way that black men dominate college sports, is it noticed by anyone that they have to be supermen in order to get nominated for the Heisman? This year, 3 of the 4 candidates are white quarterbacks, even though there is a brother down at Central Florida who is about to break the all-time college rushing record. The same thing is true in the NFL, where people are much quicker to give props to Tom Brady than to Randy Moss, one of the greatest wide receivers in NFL History. It doesn't mean that Brady's not talented, he is. But this whole bias toward white quarterbacks is kind of silly. We all know that brothers run the joint.
Smith at Central Florida deserves to be on that list much more than Tim Tebow. That's a damn fact.
Kevin Smith deserves to be on that list WITH Tebow, I'd say. The kid did become the first QB ever to have over 20 TDs rushing (22 total) and 20 TDs passing (29 total).
My Heisman list would have read:
1. Tebow
2. McFadden
3. Kevin Smith (If UCF had gone undefeated with that schedule then I would have had to reconsider)
Hey, Tebow rooms with a brother and gave him a familial kiss on the cheek after a touchdown earlier this year -- does that count for anything, lol?
Damn....well, at least he gave the brother a kiss. Tebow is good, damn good. But we know that black men are the dominant figures on college football. Why aren't they getting more nominations?
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