There is a new book coming out alleging that former USC superstar Reggie Bush received over $300,000 in financial benefits during his time at USC. The authors and others claim that this makes Bush unethical. OK, let's see, what's more unethical: That Bush got $300,000 under the table or that the university made over $100 million dollars off of Reggie Bush and didn't give his family jack? Pete Carroll, the USC coach probably earned $20 million dollars off Bush, the university probably earned $70 million and Reggie's mother is supposed to keep living in the projects?
What is the deal with the NCAA mafia and how they are allowed to take advantage of these athletes? If coaches were paid with scholarships, they would be outraged. So, why should the players, who risk life and limb, and who are the ones actually earning the money in the first place not get anything for their labor? When I watched USC, I never watched a single game to see the coach. I watched the games to see Reggie Bush. USC got paid because of that, and therefore, so should Reggie Bush's family. It's unAmerican to think otherwise.
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