Yankees pitcher Andy Petitte recently admitted trying Human Growth Hormone in 2002. He says that he only used it for 2 days while recovering from an injury. His admission came right after the release of the Mitchell Report, in which he was cited as being one of the many Major League Baseball players getting doped up on the side.
I believe that he used the drug for just two days as much as I believe that Bill Clinton didn't inhale. It appears that the vogue thing to do is to admit what you have to, but only after you get caught.
I love watching the house of cards fall, as this now proves that Barry Bonds was not alone in his use of steroids. The entire league is dirty and even this heavily biased report, which is full of conflicts of interest, has ripped more roaches than a crackhouse.
Barry is not the only druggie in sports. What's most interesting though is that Bill O'Reilly is quick to defend Roger Clemens, while he was quick to call Marion Jones unethical.
Again: He is a racist, plain and simple.
1 comment:
You MUST read Jayson Starks piece on ESPN....that micky-fick actually tries to justify the double standard in media coverage between Bonds and Roger Clemens. It will make you throw-up
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