Written by LA Batchelor: Morning Show Producer for "The Steve Harvey Morning Show" and production person for 105.7 KISS FM.
U.S. District Court Judge Henry Hudson sentenced Michael Vick to 23 months in a federal penitentiary. With time off for good behavior, Vick would be eligible for release in May of 2009. Don't bet on it.
Vick was doomed from the start. As Vick's attorney, Billy Martin, tried to explain that Vick had "accepted responsibility" for his role in the dogfighting scheme, Hudson interrupted, describing two specific statements Vick had made and the exact dates when he made them. In addition to the 23 months in a minimum-security penitentiary, Hudson ordered Vick to serve three years of "closely supervised probation."
That for a man who made a terrible mistake by fighting and killing dogs. Not humans, dogs. With all due respect to dog/animal lovers everywhere, I can't help but go back to the initial question after Vick pleaded guilty...............Does the punishment fit the crime? I would have to say it doesn't. The reality of the Vick case is that his punishment is not based on what he did but all the surrounding circumstances around the case. In respect to PETA and dog lovers, it was all about the death and distruction Vick cause those K-9's in dog fighting, but for the Pile-ons like Judge Hudson, it's all about some twisted justice in the end. His dishonesty about his involvement, his celebrity status and his huge contract and endorsements as a black man were the driving force behind what I called the "James Brown theory" or "THE BIG PAYBACK" in nailing Vick's proverbial BUTT to the cross. Some (not all) in white America hate what Vick represents. The young, successful and talented black man who succeeds in business making big money in a society where those who are narrow-minded feel they shouldn't. Judge Hudson is no different in his personal assessments of Michael Vick, how Vick feels and the level of remorse Vick expressed.
Even Michael Vick's personal apology did not impress Hudson. As Vick tried to make a statement, Hudson admonished him, saying he should "be apologizing to the millions of kids who idolize you."
Is that not personal? How many judges do you know remember what a defendant says verbatim? Not many. This is not a conspiracy it's a normalcy. Those in the positions of power like to continue the "CAUCASIAN PERSUASION". The "old boy network" is in full affect on and off the field and unfortunately, Michael Vick is just a causality of all of it.
Michael Vick is in no way innocent in this case. Bad judgement, bad influences and bad decisions have given easy access to the attackers trying to dismantle and discredit Vick but jail time and the amount of time given to Vick is UN-just.Who is the next Michael Vick? Who is the next young talented black athlete who gets caught in the web of fame, fortune, fun which can lead to distruction, negativity and ultimately the demise of the black athlete. Let's hope we learn from Michael Vick and these type of cases are few and far in between.
Hudson admonished him, saying he should "be apologizing to the millions of kids who idolize you."
That really does say what this has all been about doesn't it? Seriously, the only thing missing from Hudson's statement was a distinct adjective in front of the word "kids".
we as a family should stick together for vick, meaning we as black people can and will get vick back to where he use to be. They can't hold a good black man down. Vick=Black butterfly remember the struggle. Whats up BET!!! can you help. Don't be afraid of CNN.
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